Silent City中国东北,曾经的工业重镇,在钢铁轰鸣和人声鼎沸中度过了四十年后,开始了几乎无法苏醒的长眠。曾经惊涛骇浪,现在宁静得像一汪深湖。随着人类的退去,其他东西开始肆意生长。落寞中充满了生机,死气里夹杂着浪漫。放下战斗号角也无法逃离的人们变得慵懒起来。东北经济落寞的大环境改变了人的精神状态,人的精神状态体现在了东北的社会景观。
Northeast China, once an important industrial area, has spent 40 years in the roar of steel and the uproar of people, and has begun a long sleep without waking time. Once stormy waves area, now is as serene as a deep lake. As human beings recede, other things begin to grow at will. Loneliness but full of vitality, Lethargy mixed with romance. People who can't escape put down their battle horns and become languor. The sluggish economy of Northeast China has changed people's mental state, which is reflected in the social landscape there.
But does all this need an elegy? China is developing at an ultra-high speed. 996 working hour system, high sudden death rate, spiritual emptiness... Material achievements are obvious to all, but are these all necessary? In the Northeast, I catch a glimpse of the game of balance: man, economy, spirit and nature. But all this is in the passive state.
What is life supposed to be like?